Our Better Together program continues to service some amazing individuals and families! Many of those we serve are dealing with significant challenges in their lives and we spend a lot of time addressing those challenges. Homelessness, domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health, and past traumas are just some of the topics that are pertinent to the lives of those we serve. Sometimes in the midst of the heavy aspects of life, it is helpful to take time to relax and allow our brains to
recharge a bit. There are a variety of ways we do this with our Better Together moms, one of which you will see pictured above. A month or so ago we took time away from our regular weekly meeting, to go paint pottery. I will admit, I was not sure how the ladies would respond or if they would even enjoy that activity. Fortunately, pottery painting proved to be both relaxing and healing. Some ladies painted items that were significant to them or their lives. Others painted pieces for children or family they were currently separated from. I was quite impressed by the artistic skills of the ladies as well as being reminded that God created us as physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual beings. As we strive to become who God made us to be, taking the time to promote health and wellbeing in all areas of our lives brings glory to God. It was fun to see the joy and excitement on the ladies faces when their pieces returned to them after they were fired and finished! This time was intended to be fun and relaxing but it also proved to be healing and restorative to the ladies. Thank God that he truly works in all things for his good purposes.
Volunteers Needed!
We would love to have a few folks join us in volunteering with our Better Together groups. We could use a few additional folks to help provide transportation to and from group as well as one or two individuals willing help with childcare at ICM while the group meets. If the opportunities listed above are not a good fit but you would still like to contribute, financial support enables to run the groups, provide a meal for them every week, occasionally take them to do a special activity like the one featured in the story above, and offer other types of support when appropriate to do so. Please reach out to Nadia at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about how to partner with us!
Praises and Prayer Requests
1. Praise God for the opportunity to serve those in our community who are struggling.
2. Ask God to provide for the financial and volunteer needs of ICM.
3. Pray for our Adoptions staff as they continue to work with children and families participating in the adoption process.
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