
May 2021

Adoption Department News!

Over the years, ICM's Adoption Ministry has prioritized remaining accessible to as many families hoping to adopt as possible.  A few of our key priorities have been to offer adoption services including quality and comprehensive home studies, post placement reporting and birth parent services across the state of Illinois, ensuring our fees are realistic while also on the lower end of the spectrum for similar services provided by other agencies, and maintaining our Hague accreditation, which enables ICM to provide adoption services to families pursuing an international adoption.  This year, the Adoption Ministry will undergo a renewal of our Hague accreditation.  The renewal process will take almost a year to complete, and once completed, will enable us to continue supporting families who feel called to literally care for the orphan by welcoming them into their home and giving them a renewed opportunity to experience the love and care of a family.  We look forward to sharing even more stories of how God is moving and working as we work to secure the opportunity to be a small part of caring for the orphan through international adoption. 
Prayers and Praises

1. Praise God for the opportunity to serve families through the ministry of Adoption.  
2. Pray for wisdom for staff and volunteers as we prepare to support children and families in crisis during the summer months. 
3.  Thank God for his continued provision of ICM! 


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F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R F O L L O W on T W I T T E R
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