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Oct 2019 ICM Connection

Safe Families National Conference!
Two weeks ago the Safe Families National Conference took place in Chicago. Sharnell (head of Family Care) and two of our wonderful volunteers, Marla and Michelle, were able to attend. We are so grateful for the opportunity to grow and be encouraged to keep serving the vulnerable families in our communities.  
Book Recommendation 
The staff at Illini Christian Ministries has been reading the book "Generous Justice" by Pastor Tim Keller. We would highly recommend this encouraging and challenging book to any believer who desires to further explore the role God has called his people to play in lives of the "least of these" in our world. One of my favorite quotes thus far states; "We instinctively tend to limit for whom we will exert ourselves. We do it for people like us, and for people whom we like. Jesus will have none of that. By depicting a Samaritan helping a Jew, Jesus could not have found a more forceful way to say that anyone at all in need - regardless of race, politics, class, or religion - is your neighbor. Not everyone is your brother and sister in faith, but everyone is your neighbor, and you must love your neighbor." - Tim Keller, Generous Justice

Praises and Prayer Requests

1. Praise God for the recent adoptions that have taken place. 
2. Ask the Lord to bless, encourage, and provide for the birth parents who choose adoption for their children.  
3. Ask the Lord to continue to provide for the financial needs of ICM.   


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F O L L O W on F A C E B O O K
F O L L O W on T W I T T E R
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